Ear piercing is becoming increasingly popular with increasing numbers of both male and female opting to wear earrings or ear studs.
At AZ Acupuncture the procedure is very quick and completed without touching the pre-sterilised studs which are packed in a sterile cartridge & loaded into the piercing gun. The system is simple and safe. The studs are manufactured from stainless steel and plated with up to 25 microns of 24 ct gold plate.
The procedure used is Health Authority approved and in accordance with UK law which states that components used in ear piercing must be approved and disposable.
We offer piercing of the ear lobe only.
Aftercare Advice
– The studs must be left in for 6 weeks before changing them.
– The client must rotate and clean the studs twice daily using After-Care lotion after washing their hands.
– Do not go swimming or expose the pierced area to chemicals e.g. perfumes, hair spray, hot tubs etc for 1 week.
– Maintain for 5-6 weeks before attempting to remove. Then replace with gold or silver earrings.
– Caution while washing hair to avoid tangling.
– Any soreness or redness or swelling may indicate infection – seek medical advice immediately.
– Extreme swelling – remove stud.
Ears should NOT be pierced in the following situations:
– Viral, bacterial or fungal infections in the area
– Broken skin, swelling or redness
– Lumps or Moles
– Diabetes as the healing capacity may be poor ( a doctor’s note may be necessary)
– Epilepsy
– Hepatitis
– Scar tissue in the ear lobe ( this will not heal easily and is harder to pierce cleanly)
– Bruising
– Bleeding tendencies or patients on blood thinning medications
– Small ear lobe
– Fat ear lobes. This may mean that the stud and the back clasp do not clip together or the ear is pinched causing swelling and/or difficulty in turning the studs.